2025 Charter/Member Renewal
2025 Charter Renewal Resources:
- Unit and Membership Renewal
- Recharter Changes – 2-27-24 Webinar
- Cub Chat, Member Renewal & Pack Recharter
- Scouting Forums, a place to discuss recharter
- Charter Renewal FAQ
- BSA Registration and Renewal Job Aid
- Unit Pay for Member Renewal Job Aid
- Unit Renewal Guide Job Aid
- Internet Rechartering 2.0 User Guide
- Annual Charter Partner Agreement Form
- BSA Adult Application

Charter Renewal Change rev 3 from Boy Scouts of America on Vimeo.

Charter Renewal Frequently Asked Questions
Units due to recharter December 31, 2024, will NOT see a significant difference in the renewal process.
Unit Key 3 Leaders:
Ensure that you are currently registered and your YPT is up to date in My.Scouting so that you can e-approve charter renewals. This is essential and must be done as soon as possible since changes at this step can delay the subsequent steps.
- Today: Check that all youth and adults are currently registered with the unit in my.scouting.org and verify that YPT is current through the end of 2025.
- August: Units should assign a Charter Renewal Champion who will review charter resources and begin membership inventory.
- September: Attend charter renewal training held by your Commissioner Corp. Verify YPT and send membership fee updates to your unit members.
- October 1st: Units should begin collecting member fees. Verify YPT.
- October 2nd: Internet Recharter opens for the December 31st renewal units. Verify YPT
- October 1st to November 8th: Finalize membership roster, verify YPT, collect all fees, update internet recharter roster, final review and submit units recharter.
- November 15th: Complete and approve the on-line unit recharter process. This can be found by logging into https://advancements.scouting.org.
- November 15th: Pay the 2025 BSA Registration fees and the Council Fees online through the Internet Recharter site. The preferred method to pay the recharter and council fee is via e-check or Credit Card (fees may apply).
- Applications for any new adults must be uploaded into the charter renewal as well as their Youth Protection Training Certificate and Criminal Background Check Authorization. This includes any adult who is moving from a Tiger parent or Lion parent into a leadership position and those who have turned 18 and are moving from a youth position to an Assistant Scoutmaster position or that is being entered as a UP, VP or EP (Unit Participant, Venturing Participant or Exploring Participant). You will need to enter any adult who is on the charter as an AP or LP and moving into a leadership position or a youth moving into a new leader position or into a UP/VP or EP as New Adult and upload all required documents.
- Applications for any new youth must be uploaded into the charter renewal.
- Confirm that all required information has been completed on the adult and youth applications before uploading the documents.
- Note: A unit’s rechartering application cannot be approved by the National Service Center until all steps are complete.
Effective April 1, 2024, the BSA will eliminate the $25 one-time joining fee for new program participants in Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouting. Additionally, the BSA will implement the following national membership fees, which were approved by the National Executive Committee:
- $85/yr. for Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturing and Sea Scouting participants ($5 increase)
- $65/yr. for all adult volunteers ($5 increase)
- $30/yr. for Scoutreach (No change in fee)
- $25/yr. for Merit Badge Counselors (No change in fee. This fee is for Merit Badge Counselors who are not already registered volunteers)
- $50/yr. for Exploring participants youth & adults (No change in fee)
- $100/yr. unit renewal/affiliation fee (No change in fee)
- $15/yr. for Scout Life magazine (No change in fee)
- $15/yr Local, Longhorn Council Insurance Fee (Effective January 1, 2025)
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