Invest in our future.
Investment in Character: Our Annual Giving Campaign
Investing in Scouting is an investment in tomorrow's leaders. Scouting America has a proven track record of shaping youth into people of outstanding character who understand the meaning of accountability and the importance of servant leadership. By contributing to Scouting, you will have a profound impact on America. More youth will experience the program, further instilling values and character in their moral fiber.
Gifts and pledges can be made online or by downloading a pledge form.
Make your Investment in Character Gift
Download a Pledge Form
Pledge forms can be returned to Kathy McLean, Development Assistant, or mailed to:
Longhorn Council, Scouting America
PO Box 54190
Hurst, Texas 76054
A Resource to Protect What You Love
We’re excited to share FreeWill with you to provide our Longhorn Council community with an online tool to write your legal will, at no personal cost. Just as you’ve helped build the next generation of leaders, now you can build and secure your own future — for free. Take 20 minutes today to complete this important task and protect the people and causes you care about.
Get started on your plans today.